Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I did manage a little knitting yesterday, but there doesn't appear to much difference in how the work appears.

So how about some pictures of past projects?

This project is Lizzie's gloves. After she rejected the felted mittens I made her because they don't bend enough, and then lost a pair of gloves, I boldly knitted her some gloves only slightly modified from the Weekend Knitting (Falick) book. I added some pink rings throughout the glove to add some interest. When I got to the fingers, it occurred to me to add one ring on the ring finger and toss in some beads. She loves them!

Here is Lizzie's knitting. I cast on 10 stitches for her and she is only at about 13 stitches. Not bad for a 7-year-old! I have to say, I'm quite proud.

For Christmas, Mike received the Beverly Galeskas knitted clogs. Unfelted. (I'm still stuck for a felting machine). When I finally did felt them, Mike wasn't with me, so I stretched and pulled, and they're a little big. But they're still nice looking, aren't they?

Shhh! Don't tell. This is my mom's Christmas present -- The B4 Bag. Unfinished. It was almost finished, but it didn't seem very big and I had almost half the yarn left, so I ripped it all out and started over. Twice. I still don't think it's tall enough. So I'm going to add another section after I buy more beads. That could take a while. I really don't like how the yarn is knitting up, but I'm forging ahead.

I'm still dreadfully sick. Hoping for a snow day tomorrow so I can recuperate one more day before getting back to my life responsibilities.


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